Professional relationships begin with trust!

Trust is firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. We believe there are four characteristics that a professional should have in order to put your trust in them. These include experience, excellence, integrity, and authenticity.

Bob Markel

  • Experience

    Experience is the knowledge or skill acquired over a period of time. My business acumen and unique work history makes me distinctly qualified to deliver the services we offer.

    Over 15 years of real estate experience

    Accounting Degree - University of Albany

    Tax Associate - PriceWaterhouseCoopers

    Chief Financial Officer experience

    Helped grow and sell a family business

    Budget Director - $180 million company

  • Excellence

    Excellence is the quality of of being truly the best at something. This is difficult to accomplish, but we strive for excellence everyday and achieve it through very specific actions.

    Passionate about the services we offer

    Open to change and new ideas

    Continuous education and learning

    Commitment and hard work

    Value creativity and innovation

    Create partnerships with the best people

  • Integrity

    Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. It’s the most important characteristic when building trust. We embody integrity by following certain principles.

    Value our professional & personal reputation

    Follow-through on commitments & obligations

    Be honest with ourselves & our clients

    Put the needs of our clients first

    Maintain client confidentiality and privacy

    Understand the importance of realationships

  • Authenticity

    Authenticity means being true to your own personality, values, and spirit, regardless of the pressure that you're under to act otherwise. Certain philosophies help us adhere to this.

    Align values and ideals with our actions

    Recognize our strengths and weaknesses

    Look for the good in everyone

    Value people over material things

    Remain humble at all times

    Focus on the things within our control